The Vision of Slobodka: Living Life at its Fullest
Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel zt’l, the Alter of Slobodka (Transcribed by Rabbi Nachum Meir Karelitz, Chut HaShani, Hilchos Shabbos, p. 31) We often assume that religious observance, or “service of G-d,” is limited to specific ritual practices, at given times and places. We read from the Torah in the synagogue on Shabbos morning, we recite the evening prayers at nightfall, …

Personal Growth: The Challenge of Our Generation
Based on an essay by Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe zt’l When we look at the generations of our grandparents and their parents, we find, generally, that people were intellectually and emotionally stronger, more confident and independent, and better able to deal with the problems and challenges of life. Although they had none of the technological innovation or economic affluence that exists …
An excerpt from “Created in G-d’s Image” A Talk by Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel zt’l, the “Alter of Slobodka” (1849-1927) Translated by Rabbi Nosson Scherman All aspects of our life, whether physical or moral, communal or personal, are conducted and directed, founded and based, on the middah (character trait) of recognizing-our-self-worth. Someone who lacks understanding generally, and particularly doesn’t understand who …